Just Keep Swimming

This original artwork “Just Keep Swimming” was created to raise money for a very courageous 8 year old, Katie, who suffers from Neurofibromatosis (NF), which is a condition that causes tumours to develop anywhere on the nervous system, including the brain, spinal cord and all nerve endings. Katie currently has tumours in her brain and on her spinal cord. She has endured years of chemotherapy treatment since she was diagnosed at 18 months of age, recently finishing a 3 year stint on a new trial drug, Trametinib, in February. Tumours can form at any time, and there is currently no cure.

Her family are raising money for The Flicker of Hope Foundation to hopefully one day find that elusive cure. ALL money raised for Flicker of Hope goes directly into research projects. Check out their amazing contributions so far at www.flickerofhope.org.au

Katie’s father Vid will be swimming in the Port to Pub on the 18th March next year, in Western Australia. It is a gruelling 25km ocean swim from Fremantle to Rottnest Island. His motivation of pushing himself so far is simple: “Katie faces challenges every day of her life, I will challenge myself by doing this for her”. His swim is titled “Flipper of Hope.”

Together, the sale of the original artwork and cards raised a total of $500 for their cause, which is fantastic, but they could still do with more help.

If you’d like to support them here is the link to their gofundme page: https://www.gofundme.com/f/flipper-of-hope


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